Based in Seattle, WA and looking for opportunities in the Midwest

One of my favorite pieces of advice from a professor, and coincidentally O.A.R. (the rock band), is to turn the car around. Oftentimes when looking for features or going about my day, something strikes my curiosity. Instead of passing by and missing a potential moment, I circle back and pull over.

Following this motto, I've met Pat, a metal worker, and his feline friend Eight Ball (“[He's] hard to corner and black”). Stopping for ducks meandering in a yard resulted in meeting Spencer's family of six and the extended brood of many ducks, chickens, and other fowl. Collecting my thoughts in a cemetery led to a rambunctious group of kids and their hardworking mother and father making ends meet after his open-heart surgery.

The power of human connection from these interactions helps me as a person and as a photographer. I am grateful to see a slice of someone's life and hear their story.

Photojournalism is a way to discover and visualize what is important to ourselves and the people we have the privilege to cover. I am thankful to be a part of this industry.   

In addition to photography, I have experience with graphic design, infographics, animation, newsletters, and social media content creation and management.

Photo courtesy of Erin Lubin

Contact at // (517)-515-1433


  • Staff Photographer at The Everett Herald 
  • Graduated from Michigan State University with two B.As in journalism and creative advertising


  • MPW 2023 Sedalia
  • CatchLight Visual Storytelling Summit Portfolio Review 2023

Previous Newsrooms

  • DETROIT FREE PRESS: Photo Intern — Detroit, MI
  • MLIVE: GRAND RAPIDS PRESS: Photo Intern — Grand Rapids, MI
  • DESERET NEWS: Photo Intern — Salt Lake City, UT
  • STATE NEWS: Photographer & Editor — East Lansing, MI


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